Band Parents

Band Parents

Monday, August 27, 2007

Menu Plan Monday/Back to school

I have not participated in several weeks. Shame on me. But school started today so Time to get back into a schedule\

Mon - Meatloaf (Mixed and wiating int he fridge for someone to bake it.

Tues - Chicken Breasts

Wed - Pork Chops

Thurs - Beef Tip roast

Fri - Tuna Noodle Casserole

For more great Menus and organizing tips check out Laura's blog

Here are my boys getting on the bus. It arrived 13 minutes after the Time I was told it was scheduled. The Public high school bus came, then the Freshman bus came - Imagine a public school district so large, it has 2 high schools, East and West plus a freshman high school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a delicious weekly plan this week!