Band Parents

Band Parents

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Small Success Thursday - April 21

This is the day of the week where we take inventory of the little thinks we do each week as wives/Moms.

We have had a stretch of wonderful weather. Low Humidity, temps in the 70's and 80's. I bought a sandbox for TheToddler (my grandson) and he has been loving playing outside. Wee enjoyed Sunday dinner on the deck.

I finally bought myself a new laptop. Something that has been on my mind for a while.

Finally, I got good news last week, my contract is being renewed through the end of the year and while no promises, they hope to keep my around longer. Woo-hoo.

Linking up with Catholic Mom

1 comment:

Allison Gingras said...

Congrats on the extended contract!! They obviously know a good thing when they see it ;)