Band Parents

Band Parents

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Virus invades the house

So Wednesday was interesting. Hubby called me at work about 1:40 to tell me his 33 Yo Sister was intensive care and Mom was very upset. So we decided that I would come home early since I drove all the way in. My carpool parner had overslept, so we both drove. (The Lord does work in mysterious ways) But anyways, i would come hom in time to get the boys, get some dinner in them and take them to wrestling practice. He would go get his Mom and go to the hospital with her at visiting hours.

After I hag up with him, the phone rings. It's the school. The 7 Yo has a 101 degree fever. So I called Hubby who picks up the boy and I head home so I can send Hubby to spend time with his Mom.

Anyways, a day and a half later, my SIL is out of intensive care and apparently dealing with some demons like a divorce and unemployment. She might come home Sunday. I hope she knows she has a Mom, a Dad, tw0 brothers, SILs, 5 nephews and at least 1 cousin worried and concerned for her.

The 7 Yo still has a fever. Maybe the classic Influenza, but he only has a small amount of congestions. But he gets up, watched TV, maybe plays Xbox, naps, eats, watches more TV. He all but refuses to take Tylenol. I have Bubble gum flavor, grape flavor, cheables, meltaways,, etc...

But staying home yesterday gave me time to get caught up on a lot of stuff. Presents are wrapped. Most gifts are purchased, and important rooms of the house got cleaned.

My parents arrive today. So here's hoping that their flu shots protect them from the virus lurking in our house.

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