Hi Everyone,
I was inspired to create my new blog based on the wonderful blogs I have been reading. I started with Jen’s Frugal upstate blog and have enjoyed the WFMW and decided that I wanted to chronicle my adventures. I used to have a diary on a parenting site, but that was mostly to write about my adventures of raising an ADHD son. So now I can write about many of the things on my mind. So Welcome!
As to my WFWM Tip, last week, the Family CEO wrote about buying beach towels as souvenirs. I use beach towels in the car a lot. We take a lot of car trips, 5 hours to visit my Father in Law, 9 hours to visit my parents. We usually leave at 6:30 AM. I put a beach towel in the van for each boy. It makes a light weight blanket for when they are cold (this happens frequently), or cleans up sills or can catch car sickness. Fortunately we’ve never encountered that one. We have also taken them to ball games. They can tame a hot seat, provide cover when you feel like you’ve had too much sun or provide just enough warmth when the sun goes down and you get a little chilly. Works for me.
Ed: To add the banner.
We use beach towels in the car too! I cover my little guy's car seat with one, during the summer, when we're out of the car. Takes only a second and it seems to make a big difference (no more hot hot hot buckles!)
I like this idea. And I like the idea of buying the towels as a sovenier. I'm definitely stealing it! :)
I need some more beach towels but the really good fluffy ones are so expensive....any good frugal tips on buying beach towels? :) Have you found a good place to buy them?
I like this idea, too! They are just big enough to cover, but not too big to flop on the floor. Thanks for the tip!
Frugal places to buy fluffy beach towels? No. I like Lands End and my SIL has some nice LL Bean ones. I did buy some nice ones at Kohl's last year. Since I work out side the home, we do laundy once a week. The boys go to Daycamp at the Y and swim everyday. Yup, each has 5 swim suits and we have enough beach towels for the week (Ok, Barely) Sometimes we throw in a load of towels on Wednesday.
Cool idea! I bet they could use them as a pillow as well.
This is a GREAT idea! I need to buy a few when they go on sale toward the end of summer. Thanks for sharing, and welcome to WFMW!
Great idea and welcome to the club :)
Great idea! I need to throw one in the car to cover up the car seat, it gets SUPER hot.
Great idea, Maggie. Thanks for more suggestions for the beach towels I bring home as souveniers.
Great idea! And welcome to blogging :) It was so nice of you to say that I inspired you. :)
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