Now I have written before about how we are Catholic, send our kids to Catholic school, attend Mass Sundays and most Holy Days, and say grace before meals; but we tend to be rather private about our Faith. Of course this week I saw where Catholics were admonished to Confess sins of Omission about when we failed to proclaim the Word. Kind of Funny. Reading about other Chritian women living, acting and bloggin about their Faith is a lot of what has attracted me to the blogsphere.
But lately there has been a glimpse of Faith in action. This past weekend my parents visitied with the couple who they were very close to in the Early years of their marriage. Ucle B's Alcolholism along with moves following jobs, and chasing after grow children forced them apart. I am Happy to say Uncle B is clean and sober. He brough up several topice related to the Church and Catholicism and discussions ensued. At one point he looks at my Mom and says "J, you are usually jumping in here with something to say." Mom replies "I'm just very happy my kids are willing to discuss this and they have good points and are in line with the Church."
Another occurance this week is that our Parish has a traveling crucifix program where a family prayer for voacations for the week. Hubby signed us up for this week since it is between Wrestling season and baseball season. So while we say grace before meals at home, we do not generally take the time to pray as a family. Sunday night when Hubby announced it was time to pray, both boys came running with their Rosaries in hand. The each had a change to pick out a prayer to say. While we did not say the rosary, we said some of the prayers from it.
The way my family lives is the way both Hubby and I were raised. I guess we are doing something right. But we could always do more. I want to make it a point to find time to say the rosary with the boys on occasion. Since I started to say it myself when I am driving home from work, I know I can say it in less than 20 minutes. Maybe our next long car trip I'll do it. Oh yeah, the 11 Yo wants a new, nicer Rosary. I want a second one. I leave the one that decorated my First Communion cake in my car.
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