So What's been working for me is taking time during my drive home from work for prayer. I drive about 20 miles through city traffic. I am finding that - after I hear the initial traffic report, that turning off my radio and turning to prayer is a nice stress release. When I was not doing this, my mind was jumping all around and dwelling on negative thoughts. Now since I am Catholic, I have been praying the Rosary. I know most of the prayer so well that another part of my brain takes over and I can concentrate on driving at the same time.
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I love to do this - and if you're on your own you can do it out loud. Another thing I like to do is put a worship tape on and sing along, again out-loud!
Just think the drastic reduction in road rage if everyone did this! Lovely reminder!
What a great way to begin your day...I think that it is at these
little moments that we can really talk to the Lord!
Thanks for sharing your tip!
I do this too! My car is more often than not- my prayer closet! A great way to leave our burdens at His feet before walking in the house!
I have been known to do this too (when I don't have a baby screaming and a toddler asking why,why,why in the background). There is just something nice about utilizing that time. Thank you!!
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