Band Parents

Band Parents

Monday, July 24, 2006

Anxiously awaiting - ADHD Dr. Visit.

Hubby took the 11 Yo Hyper pre-teen to his ADHD doctor this AM. I am waiting for that phone call that tells me what happened. I will probably ... Oop, there is the phone.

I got the scoop. We are going to continue him on his current meds, 2 32 MB, I mean mg. capsules of Concerta in the AM and then have the him take another in the afternoon. But I guess the doctor wants to try the new patch on him. He told Hubby that we put it on just before he wakes in the AM, take it off after 12 hours and then we get 3 more hours of affect. Hum, sounds interesting.

This is the first time Hubby has taken him to this doctor. We had to change last year as his doctor got out of clinical practice. Dr. H was my doctor as a kid. My brother went to Dr. H as well. Dr. H. remembered my brother. But Hubby said he and the doctor talked to the 11 YO about how he needs to make an effort at shaping his behavior.

Hubby made another appointment for September. But we are on a lsit to get a phone call when the patch is availalbe in our town.

1 comment:

ADHD doctor in Connecticut said...

A psychiatrist can provide therapy and prescribe any needed medications. Child psychologists are also qualified to diagnose and treat ADHD.