So I said I was going to try Irg Junkie's 30 day Challenge. I took pictures, but have not yet transfered them off the camera. I will work on that tonight. But I picked my craft area in my basement. There is a set of old kitchen cabinets hung in my basement. A few years ago Hubby installed a 6 ft piece of countertop we got a Lowe's for $36. I got some Iris carts.
I have done a lot of crafts in the past. I have some general supplies, raffia, ribbon, clothes pins, popcicle stickes, eyes, hair... I have a lot fo paints for Tole painting. General sewing supplies, scrapbooking and card making supplies - including runnber stamps. I tried to purge, but a few weeks ago, the 11 YO had to build a model virus. He used a clear glass ornament, pipe cleaners. yarn... All from my stash. So I really don't want to get rid of a whole lot. I could probably go through my paints and throw out the dried up bottles.
So I started to tackle it last weekend. I did pretty well putting my stuff away. Until I got to the 12x12 scrapbook papers. I am looking for some ideas. Laura posted my question on her site and there have been some interesting responses. I will probably hit JoAnns, Hobby Lobby and Michaels tomorrow when I am off work. I'd like to minimize the money spent.
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